CBD is a cannabinoid that has been shown to provide a wide range of benefits and with an abundance of research, we can only expect that number to grow. CBD has been used for pain relief, anxiety and stress management, depression, and more.
The use of CBD is growing in popularity among athletes because it can provide relief from aches and pains without the psychoactive effects seen with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is what most people associate with cannabis.
CBD is a non-psychoactive form of cannabis, and it has been shown to have many uses for athletes.
The 5 Benefits of CBD Include:
1. Helps with inflammation and pain management
CBD is one of the most prominent cannabinoids, or chemical compounds, that are delivered by cannabis. CBD has been used traditional medicine to treat inflammation and pain.
2. Reduces Anxiety
CBD has been touted as an effective treatment for anxiety, depression, and even cancer. Studies have shown that CBD can reduce anxiety by calming the mind and reducing stress-related hormones like cortisol.
3. Helps with Sleep Deprivation
CBD has been used to help with sleep deprivation for centuries. CBD has proven to be effective in alleviating symptoms of insomnia, chronic pain, anxiety, and depression.
4. Promotes Muscle Growth
CBD has been shown to promote muscle growth for a variety of reasons. One of the main reasons is that it works as a powerful anti-inflammatory and also reduces the amount of inflammation related pain that someone feels. It also promotes natural healing and can help with things like chronic pain, anxiety, arthritis, and more
5. Keeps your Body in Ketosis
For professional athletes, there's a lot of pressure to be in peak physical shape. Countless hours in the gym and high-carb diets can leave these individuals feeling sluggish and tired. But this is where CBD comes in. CBD is an all-natural supplement that helps athletes recover faster and provides anxiety relief during intense workouts. The best part is that it is keto-friendly so it will not spike insulin.